OT: old TV's (attn Clocky)
(too old to reply)
Yosemite Sam
2023-01-28 14:25:17 UTC
I have a couple of 4x3CRT screen colour tv's in perfect nick that I need
to get rid of. looking on eBay i see ppl are asking $400 for them! not
suggesting they can get that tho, but have they become collectors items now?

Computer Nerd Kev
2023-01-28 23:17:45 UTC
Post by Yosemite Sam
I have a couple of 4x3CRT screen colour tv's in perfect nick that I need
to get rid of. looking on eBay i see ppl are asking $400 for them! not
suggesting they can get that tho, but have they become collectors items now?
I watch a category on Ebay where they sometimes pop up.

I think some of the video game collectors occasionally pay up for
old TVs to pair with their old consoles. I've seen listings in the
~$50 range sold before, but not often. $400 is probably still a
crazy number unless you're actually looking at monitors designed
specifically for old computers in which case those are genuinely
sought after.

I think the people who pay ~$50 for one probably aren't very bright
though, because it's still trivial to find people trying to give
them away. Or I suppose some people just one one NOW and don't want
to wait or drive far to collect.

Anyway, if you want them gone this year I'd suggest listing them
for free or maybe something like $20, otherwise you might be
waiting a long time for a nutter to come along. Of course if you
live out of town like me, then you probably won't find anyone
wanting to drive out to pick them up even if they are free.

PS Click on the "sold listings" link on Ebay and you can see for
yourself whether people are really buying them (filter for your
local area too, if it's out of a major city).
__ __
#_ < |\| |< _#
Yosemite Sam
2023-01-29 00:44:43 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Yosemite Sam
I have a couple of 4x3CRT screen colour tv's in perfect nick that I need
to get rid of. looking on eBay i see ppl are asking $400 for them! not
suggesting they can get that tho, but have they become collectors items now?
I watch a category on Ebay where they sometimes pop up.
I think some of the video game collectors occasionally pay up for
old TVs to pair with their old consoles. I've seen listings in the
~$50 range sold before, but not often. $400 is probably still a
crazy number unless you're actually looking at monitors designed
specifically for old computers in which case those are genuinely
sought after.
I think the people who pay ~$50 for one probably aren't very bright
though, because it's still trivial to find people trying to give
them away. Or I suppose some people just want one NOW and don't want
to wait or drive far to collect.
Anyway, if you want them gone this year I'd suggest listing them
for free or maybe something like $20, otherwise you might be
waiting a long time for a nutter to come along. Of course if you
live out of town like me, then you probably won't find anyone
wanting to drive out to pick them up even if they are free.
I thought of putting one on eBay for auction starting at $50 and see
what happens. if bidding takes off, I'll know it's worth more and will
see what it finally sells for. then I can hold out for a good price for
the other one. if nothing happens I'll put drop the starting price, and
if still nothing put them on for $1 each. (you can't put stuff free on eBay)

both are in pristine condition, work perfectly, and I have the remotes
and manuals for them. One is a Sony Trinitron and the other JVC (I don't
have access to them right now so can't post model numbers) and both have
AV inputs.
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
PS Click on the "sold listings" link on Ebay and you can see for
yourself whether people are really buying them (filter for your
local area too, if it's out of a major city).
thanks, I didn't know that. will take a look.

2023-01-29 01:10:16 UTC
Post by Yosemite Sam
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Yosemite Sam
I have a couple of 4x3CRT screen colour tv's in perfect nick that I need
to get rid of. looking on eBay i see ppl are asking $400 for them! not
suggesting they can get that tho, but have they become collectors items now?
I watch a category on Ebay where they sometimes pop up.
I think some of the video game collectors occasionally pay up for
old TVs to pair with their old consoles. I've seen listings in the
~$50 range sold before, but not often. $400 is probably still a
crazy number unless you're actually looking at monitors designed
specifically for old computers in which case those are genuinely
sought after.
I think the people who pay ~$50 for one probably aren't very bright
though, because it's still trivial to find people trying to give
them away. Or I suppose some people just want one NOW and don't want
to wait or drive far to collect.
Anyway, if you want them gone this year I'd suggest listing them
for free or maybe something like $20, otherwise you might be
waiting a long time for a nutter to come along. Of course if you
live out of town like me, then you probably won't find anyone
wanting to drive out to pick them up even if they are free.
I thought of putting one on eBay for auction starting at $50 and see
what happens. if bidding takes off, I'll know it's worth more and will
see what it finally sells for. then I can hold out for a good price for
the other one. if nothing happens I'll put drop the starting price, and
if still nothing put them on for $1 each. (you can't put stuff free on eBay)
both are in pristine condition, work perfectly, and I have the remotes
and manuals for them. One is a Sony Trinitron and the other JVC (I don't
have access to them right now so can't post model numbers) and both have
AV inputs.
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
PS Click on the "sold listings" link on Ebay and you can see for
yourself whether people are really buying them (filter for your
local area too, if it's out of a major city).
thanks, I didn't know that. will take a look.
Try a auction if you wish to be rid of them (may or not surprise you).
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You funny guy, I'll kill you last.
- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin