why is SBS repeating The Fifth Element all day?
(too old to reply)
2023-05-05 10:59:12 UTC
Surely there are other cool French movies they could be screening?
2023-05-05 12:21:07 UTC
Post by Ozix
Surely there are other cool French movies they could be screening?
It's a Fifth Element Marathon, on the 5th of the 5th. They've done it
several times before.
Computer Nerd Kev
2023-05-05 23:34:28 UTC
Post by Ozix
Surely there are other cool French movies they could be screening?
I'm guessing that the bloke who wrote this is involved:

In previous years I've found that does at least hold up well to
flicking into during ad breaks, but actually there wasn't much on
last night so I did end up watching it (once).
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Peter Jason
2023-05-05 23:48:44 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Ozix
Surely there are other cool French movies they could be screening?
In previous years I've found that does at least hold up well to
flicking into during ad breaks, but actually there wasn't much on
last night so I did end up watching it (once).
A PVR is essential these days. I record everything, then use the
fast-forward button for the boring bits.
Rod Speed
2023-05-06 15:54:47 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Ozix
Surely there are other cool French movies they could be screening?
In previous years I've found that does at least hold up well to
flicking into during ad breaks, but actually there wasn't much on
last night so I did end up watching it (once).
A PVR is essential these days. I record everything,
I used to but stopped last Nov.
Post by Peter Jason
then use the
fast-forward button for the boring bits.
You can still do that when using iview etc. I get all but
SBS ad free. Used to get SBS ad free too until last week.
Computer Nerd Kev
2023-05-06 23:18:15 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
In previous years I've found that does at least hold up well to
flicking into during ad breaks, but actually there wasn't much on
last night so I did end up watching it (once).
A PVR is essential these days. I record everything, then use the
fast-forward button for the boring bits.
I used to do more of that, but I've drifted out of it because
really I prefer to pick things to watch on TV that I feel like that
evening. I do usually record movies that SBS shows, and sometimes
use my second set-top-box to watch something else live at the same
time. Commercial TV has too many ads even for me to want to bother
with fast-forwarding, so I usually stick to ABC and SBS.
Unfortunately there's often nothing on so I watch more stuff on DVD
and from the internet (the latter are often the sorts of history
documentaries that ABC and SBS seem to have both lost interest in
these days).
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