The Coronation on TV.
(too old to reply)
Peter Jason
2023-05-07 21:28:59 UTC
Very well done. And a sure candidate for a PVR. It's hard to
overestimate the effect of wide-screen 1080HD LED TVs showing this
sort of thing, and the progress in high dynamic range (HDR) video
cameras, and audio, and all the subsequent detail the gawking tourist
will never see.
Of course with the PVR the interminable marching scenes of soldiery
regiments could be truncated to tolerable levels.
I'm a sucker for pageantry, fashion and music and only found fault
with the experimental music squeezed out of the choirs, made up for
with the Handel anthem, and especially the one by William Boyce,
magnificently performed and clearly enjoyed by the choir judging by
facial expressions and general animations.
Fashion wise the ladies put on a good show except those with
flying-saucer hats. Clearly, he crowns were too big for the heads of
king & queen and looked ridiculous therefore. Overall a jolly good
show, and one hopes a DVD is forthcoming in the future.
Rod Speed
2023-05-07 23:05:05 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Very well done.
Never watch shit like that anymore.

Apparantly cost more than $200M, stupid fucks.
Post by Peter Jason
And a sure candidate for a PVR. It's hard to
overestimate the effect of wide-screen 1080HD LED TVs showing this
sort of thing, and the progress in high dynamic range (HDR) video
cameras, and audio, and all the subsequent detail the gawking tourist
will never see.
Of course with the PVR the interminable marching scenes of soldiery
regiments could be truncated to tolerable levels.
I'm a sucker for pageantry, fashion and music and only found fault
with the experimental music squeezed out of the choirs, made up for
with the Handel anthem, and especially the one by William Boyce,
magnificently performed and clearly enjoyed by the choir judging by
facial expressions and general animations.
Fashion wise the ladies put on a good show except those with
flying-saucer hats. Clearly, he crowns were too big for the heads of
king & queen and looked ridiculous therefore. Overall a jolly good
show, and one hopes a DVD is forthcoming in the future.
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Peter Jason
2023-05-08 01:47:15 UTC
On Mon, 08 May 2023 09:05:05 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Very well done.
Never watch shit like that anymore.
...uh, clearly there are no TVs in porcine mud wallows!
Post by Rod Speed
Apparantly cost more than $200M, stupid fucks.
So? The looming budget here will squander that and much more by doling
out taxpayers' money to the professional unemployed, the
dollar-stretched breeding pairs in their MacHouses, and a subsidy to
the power users, all while the whole Eastern Oz sits on an ocean of
coal of varying ranks!
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
And a sure candidate for a PVR. It's hard to
overestimate the effect of wide-screen 1080HD LED TVs showing this
sort of thing, and the progress in high dynamic range (HDR) video
cameras, and audio, and all the subsequent detail the gawking tourist
will never see.
Of course with the PVR the interminable marching scenes of soldiery
regiments could be truncated to tolerable levels.
I'm a sucker for pageantry, fashion and music and only found fault
with the experimental music squeezed out of the choirs, made up for
with the Handel anthem, and especially the one by William Boyce,
magnificently performed and clearly enjoyed by the choir judging by
facial expressions and general animations.
Fashion wise the ladies put on a good show except those with
flying-saucer hats. Clearly, he crowns were too big for the heads of
king & queen and looked ridiculous therefore. Overall a jolly good
show, and one hopes a DVD is forthcoming in the future.
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Oh, how RUDE! The Russkis are still paying for that abominable crime.
Like the French Revolution the Russian one all ended up with the same
system, only with different names, faces and fashions.
Rod Speed
2023-05-08 15:17:12 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Very well done.
Never watch shit like that anymore.
...uh, clearly there are no TVs in porcine mud wallows!
Fraid so. Not that I am ever actually stupid enough
to watch any live TV anymore. The most I ever
watch now is the election eve count, sometimes.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Apparantly cost more than $200M, stupid fucks.
More than =A3200M in fact.
Post by Peter Jason
Much better things for the poms to spend that much money on.
Post by Peter Jason
The looming budget here
Irrelevant to what the poms have just pissed against the wall.
Post by Peter Jason
will squander that and much more by doling
out taxpayers' money to the professional unemployed, the
dollar-stretched breeding pairs in their MacHouses, and a subsidy to
the power users, all while the whole Eastern Oz sits on an ocean of
coal of varying ranks!
Looks like it will be a surplus for the first time in 15 years.

And fuck all for the bludging parasites.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
And a sure candidate for a PVR. It's hard to
overestimate the effect of wide-screen 1080HD LED TVs showing this
sort of thing, and the progress in high dynamic range (HDR) video
cameras, and audio, and all the subsequent detail the gawking touris=
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
will never see.
Of course with the PVR the interminable marching scenes of soldiery=
regiments could be truncated to tolerable levels.
I'm a sucker for pageantry, fashion and music and only found fault
with the experimental music squeezed out of the choirs, made up for
with the Handel anthem, and especially the one by William Boyce,
magnificently performed and clearly enjoyed by the choir judging by=
facial expressions and general animations.
Fashion wise the ladies put on a good show except those with
flying-saucer hats. Clearly, he crowns were too big for the heads of=
king & queen and looked ridiculous therefore. Overall a jolly good
show, and one hopes a DVD is forthcoming in the future.
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Oh, how RUDE! The Russkis are still paying for that abominable crime.=
Like the French Revolution the Russian one all ended up with the same
system, only with different names, faces and fashions.
Trevor Wilson
2023-05-08 22:26:10 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
**Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Rod Speed
2023-05-09 16:31:04 UTC
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1

Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
Trevor Wilson
2023-05-09 19:51:08 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
**The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others. It was a case of out of the frying pan and
into the fire for many Russians. The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot.
The Commies were, arguably, worse.

Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case. Like the Japanese
Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively destroyed and re-built.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Rod Speed
2023-05-09 20:48:10 UTC
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
It was a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire for many
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot. The Commies were, arguably, worse.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case.
It wasnt a basket case industrially between the wars.
Post by Trevor Wilson
Like the Japanese Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively
destroyed and re-built.
The west tried that post Gorby and the russians
completely fucked that up all over again.
Peter Jason
2023-05-09 23:23:50 UTC
On Wed, 10 May 2023 06:48:10 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
It was a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire for many
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot. The Commies were, arguably, worse.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case.
It wasnt a basket case industrially between the wars.
Post by Trevor Wilson
Like the Japanese Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively
destroyed and re-built.
Hey! Whaddabout the Coronation? Was it a good show, or what?
Rod Speed
2023-05-10 01:35:14 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 10 May 2023 06:48:10 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon=
fodder for Stalin and others.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
It was a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire for many
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot. The Commies were, arguably, =
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case.
It wasnt a basket case industrially between the wars.
Like the Japanese Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively
destroyed and re-built.
Hey! Whaddabout the Coronation?
The poms should shoot all those royal parasites
and toss the corpses down some disused well too.
Post by Peter Jason
Was it a good show, or what?
Nope, complete waste of =A3250M. Fortunately is the pom's money.
Yosemite Sam
2023-05-10 22:48:55 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 10 May 2023 06:48:10 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
It was a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire for many
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot. The Commies were, arguably, worse.
That's why I said that shooting the Romanovs was
about the only thing the russians ever got right.
Post by Trevor Wilson
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case.
It wasnt a basket case industrially between the wars.
Post by Trevor Wilson
Like the Japanese Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively
destroyed and re-built.
Hey! Whaddabout the Coronation? Was it a good show, or what?
yes it was.

Computer Nerd Kev
2023-05-10 23:22:56 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Hey! Whaddabout the Coronation? Was it a good show, or what?
I liked it, and so far as cost goes I got more entertainment from
it than I'll ever get from a football stadium in Tassie set to cost
much more than it did.

I didn't like the ABC turning it into a platform for aboriginals to
ramble on and on to an audience that's obviously not tuning in for
that, but I only lasted 5min of that before I turned it off and
waited for things to really start. It was much better once they
switched over to the BBC service.
__ __
#_ < |\| |< _#
Yosemite Sam
2023-05-10 23:39:02 UTC
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Peter Jason
Hey! Whaddabout the Coronation? Was it a good show, or what?
I liked it, and so far as cost goes I got more entertainment from
it than I'll ever get from a football stadium in Tassie set to cost
much more than it did.
I didn't like the ABC turning it into a platform for aboriginals to
ramble on and on to an audience that's obviously not tuning in for
that, but I only lasted 5min of that before I turned it off and
waited for things to really start. It was much better once they
switched over to the BBC service.
why didn't you watch on channel seven? or whatever your commercial tv
station is.

Computer Nerd Kev
2023-05-11 03:35:20 UTC
Post by Yosemite Sam
Post by Computer Nerd Kev
Post by Peter Jason
Hey! Whaddabout the Coronation? Was it a good show, or what?
I liked it, and so far as cost goes I got more entertainment from
it than I'll ever get from a football stadium in Tassie set to cost
much more than it did.
I didn't like the ABC turning it into a platform for aboriginals to
ramble on and on to an audience that's obviously not tuning in for
that, but I only lasted 5min of that before I turned it off and
waited for things to really start. It was much better once they
switched over to the BBC service.
why didn't you watch on channel seven?
And have them try to advertise to me? No thanks. Anyway the ABC
switched over to the BBC coverage once things really started, so it
was just a case of tuning in at the right time.
Post by Yosemite Sam
or whatever your commercial tv station is.
I try to avoid all of them - too many ads.
__ __
#_ < |\| |< _#
2023-06-11 02:50:16 UTC
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
**The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others. It was a case of out of the frying pan and
into the fire for many Russians. The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot.
The Commies were, arguably, worse.
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case. Like the Japanese
Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively destroyed and re-built.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Cannon Fodder?, Gallipoli anyone?..
Peter Jason
2023-06-11 22:50:00 UTC
On Sat, 10 Jun 2023 19:50:16 -0700 (PDT), jonz
Post by jonz
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
**The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others. It was a case of out of the frying pan and
into the fire for many Russians. The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot.
The Commies were, arguably, worse.
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case. Like the Japanese
Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively destroyed and re-built.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Cannon Fodder?, Gallipoli anyone?..
Given there was no conscription here, one wonders what sort of
grooming went on to get the Anzacs to go there and die in droves.
Rod Speed
2023-06-12 03:47:37 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Sat, 10 Jun 2023 19:50:16 -0700 (PDT), jonz
Post by jonz
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Trevor Wilson
Post by Rod Speed
That was the only thing the russians ever got right, shot
the lot and tossed the corpses down a disussed well.
Uh-huh. And just how did things get better for Russians?
They got one hell of a boost in industrialisation
and were no longer involved in WW1
Sure, they also had a full civil war, but
that wasnt as bad for them as WW1
**The entire Russian population was starved, killed and used as cannon
fodder for Stalin and others. It was a case of out of the frying pan and
into the fire for many Russians. The Russian Tsars were a horrible lot.
The Commies were, arguably, worse.
Either way, Russia was and still is, a basket case. Like the Japanese
Imperialists, Russia needs to be comprehensively destroyed and re-built.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Cannon Fodder?, Gallipoli anyone?..
Given there was no conscription here, one wonders what sort of
grooming went on to get the Anzacs to go there and die in droves.
No grooming involved. With some it was just a opportunity for some
adventure and for others they were monstered into volunteering by
mostly women who sent them white feathers if they didnt etc.
2023-06-13 05:05:33 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Given there was no conscription here, one wonders what sort of
grooming went on to get the Anzacs to go there and die in droves.
No grooming involved. With some it was just a opportunity for some
adventure and for others they were monstered into volunteering by
mostly women who sent them white feathers if they didnt etc.
I have seen a collection of WWI posters, some of them were pretty
insidious suggesting young men were selfish layabouts if they didn't go
to the trenches. Besides that it was a different Australia. Many people
would have had a British grandparent, or the bloke across the road was
British. So those people were easily persuaded to do their duty.
Rod Speed
2023-06-14 16:17:33 UTC
Post by Ozix
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Given there was no conscription here, one wonders what sort of
grooming went on to get the Anzacs to go there and die in droves.
No grooming involved. With some it was just a opportunity for some
adventure and for others they were monstered into volunteering by
mostly women who sent them white feathers if they didnt etc.
I have seen a collection of WWI posters, some of them were pretty
insidious suggesting young men were selfish layabouts if they didn't go
to the trenches.
Sure, but that's not grooming.
Post by Ozix
Besides that it was a different Australia. Many people would have had a
British grandparent, or the bloke across the road was British. So those
people were easily persuaded to do their duty.
Not that easily with plenty of them.
Rod Speed
2023-06-19 17:56:25 UTC
Post by Ozix
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Given there was no conscription here, one wonders what sort of
grooming went on to get the Anzacs to go there and die in droves.
No grooming involved. With some it was just a opportunity for some
adventure and for others they were monstered into volunteering by
mostly women who sent them white feathers if they didnt etc.
I have seen a collection of WWI posters, some of them were pretty
insidious suggesting young men were selfish layabouts if they didn't go
to the trenches.
That's not GROOMING.
Post by Ozix
Besides that it was a different Australia. Many people would have had a
British grandparent,
Or parent. But Britain was not actually attacked.
Post by Ozix
or the bloke across the road was British. So those people were easily
persuaded to do their duty.
Still not GROOMING.
